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2025-01-10 02:55:20 [探索] 来源:陕西西部国际会展公司

After the Spring Festival,英语 the street is busy. Today, I came to the street with my father and mother. People come and go in the street. Some children are running on the street with balloons, and some children are playing firecrackers. The shop is very beautiful brightly coloured, a superb collection of beautiful things!

We come to the square. The square good lively! A car, a gun, and a kite, can be fun. I hastened to pull my father, sit in a car, "beep" and start to move like a small general. There are many firecrackers on the square, there are also a lot of firecrackers, fireworks, fireworks variety, good riotous with colour, look! Mom and dad bought me a big round red balloon, I walked, while playing balloon, our family to play for a long time did he go home in the street.

In the evening, the uncle took us to dinner, and we came to the uncle's house. See Uncle they do all kinds of dishes: chicken, cabbage soup, carrot, and meat, a lot of...... We sat on the table for a long time before we finished the meal. After dinner, some of us watch TV, some play mahjong and are very busy.

In this crisp autumn season, we welcome the school sports meet. On the day of the sports meeting, we rehearsed several times in the hallway in front of the classroom, and then the teacher came to the lively playground with our neat steps.

We were just standing on the playground when the opening ceremony began. Look, the spirit of the red flag, they hold up the red flag, like a torch burning; After that, the military band played the music of "love me China", and walked over with the orderly drumming. The "sea" of a golden sunflowers also walked past the rostrum; The waist drum also walked quickly through the rostrum with cheerful drumming. The table tennis team waved a ping-pong bat and waved to the rostrum as they walked past the rostrum. Then there were the class teams: some of the classes carried long banners with the slogan of the class. Some students hold small red flags; Some of the class held hands; Our class is the most imposing, eight students held eight words to make up "exercise body, vigorous and vigorous", when zhiyang led the whole class to shout loudly slogans through the rostrum.

I wish the games a complete success.

At 8:50 on November 25th, xx, our class was led down to the playground to watch the opening ceremony of the school sports meeting. The composition

On the playground, there was a lot of chatter and chatter. A moment later the speaker heard the voice of the host, and everyone was quiet. After the ceremony of flag-raising ceremony, when the athletes and the umpire solemnly swore, the principal shouted: "the opening ceremony of the first ginkgo cup track and field event in shuangliu county experimental primary school, now!"

First, the orchestra. The players lined up and began to play, as the orchestra conductor danced to the baton. The melodious music filled the playground. At the end of the song, the applause thundered. Next comes the teacher's taijiquan performance. Dressed in a white white pants and dressed in a blue blue pants teachers in gossip formation squatting kneeling, two teachers were men and women stand in the blue and white array, such as two air flow at the top of the two points, with soft flowing of tai chi moves to open the prelude to the show. After that, the familiar music "liang zhu" rang, and all the teachers stood in front of the audience, left their left foot, raised their hands, shifted their center of gravity, "wild horses' hair", "white crane bright wings"... The whole set of movements was slow, soft and strong. I jumped around and looked around. The students were staring intently at the performers. Time seems to be still, only beautiful music in the ears, the white sleeves of the wind dancing to attract the attention of teachers and students. The performance was over and the applause was warm. All of a sudden, tight drums, wow, there's a killing! "In heaven, who can contend with me? ...... "The students in the costumes rushed in with the sword and occupied the whole stadium. With one stroke of the sword, the sword makes a sound. They are constantly changing formations, sometimes round and square, sometimes triangular. Bold music, magnificent roar, is really magnificent! There are two teams in the shape of the sword, the performer waves the big red flag in the hand, and the sports ground is blowing the red whirlwind! The show was over and the opening ceremony was over. We went back to the classroom. The composition

Although I can't watch the game in person, I still feel from the program of the opening ceremony that the school sports meet must be a complete success!

First the players rehearse, and they come to the playground in a rhythmic and orderly pace. You see, all of them are brave and energetic, and the students are watching them with incomparable excitement, for the victory of this day will depend on them.

Exciting moment is coming, the race began, you see: the athletes who take part in running, they went to the starting line, bent and ready, as the referee a gunshot, players like arrows left blunt go out, with one, watching the students are nervous, they were loud cry, cheer for the team members, come on...

Look, over there the high jump game players, each one walking in place not far away from the railings stopped, they stretch the arm, played kick, it suddenly occurred to one of the players rushed up, clever he raised his leg and jumped over the railings, students cried loudly "good!" After that, the students sent a cup of sweet water to the players...

The game was over, the school leader announced the result of the game, our class made a good result of the third place, this is the team members have fought hard to get, we should thank them.

This sports meeting made me feel the most rewarding activity and the most unforgettable one.

All right, after that I think you know my signature very well. If there is something you have trouble to understand, welcome to ask me.

As our headteacher you are kind and happy. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. But I have some queations. How do you thingk of our book and what shall we do with it?

That’s all I ghink. I really have nothing to write. If you give us some suggestion it’ll be really kind of you。联想力、日记希望可以帮助到有需要的作文朋友。

英语 你知道作文怎样才能写的日记好吗?以下是小编整理的英语日记作文5篇,写作文是作文培养人们的观察力、




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